Heal the Grief – a new series
On April 2, 2020 by mysticdd-adminI have posted this series to my Facebook page, The Reluctant Witch, and want to share it here as well.
Today, I am sharing a series of reflections I wrote as I came face to face with the emotions of the past three weeks. The series starts now:
This has been a challenging two weeks for all of us. There have been gains made in the impact we as a species make on the environment, tangible proof that we can do better. But there are also losses. In some countries, losses of entire generations, people dying, isolated in strange rooms with nothing but their thoughts and regrets, hopes and prayers. Separating each of us, sending us to our proverbial rooms until we get the message. The message is that the Earth, Mother Earth, needs a break. This is but the start of so much that we cannot yet see. There are changes coming we cannot fathom as we have not lived them yet as a species. We have been through planetary viral attack in the past, each time reducing the numbers, limiting the population to help ensure the vitality of the planet. The challenge we as human beings are facing is who are we saying good bye to while this plays out. Who should we have said I love you to? Who should we have helped when they asked? There are regrets being faced everyday – If I had only… Why didn’t I take the time to….It is my hope that we will all face the ugly, nasty, bitter, angry, feelings, words and emotions that we have all carried into this time of self-reflection. Take the time to face each instance where we thought we had been slighted, where we could have taken the higher road, where we could have explained how we were feeling, why we felt belittled, disrespected, hurt, or damaged. Take the time to see it from all sides. And then put them away. Let go of the anger and hurt, the regret and the sorrow about which of the would of/could of/should of’s we have missed and leave them behind in the time of rebuilding that we are now facing.
Now is the time to decide how you want your life to unfold. We are being forced to face the existence we have created and are being asked to decide what is really important in that existence. Is it the show you miss seeing, or is it the time you spend watching a new one as a couple or a family that is important? Is it the act of going to a football game or is it the camaraderie from spending the afternoon with friends? Is it the ease of buying a meal instead of making it? Or is making a meal now a family event that you can share with your children? When there is more time in the day to do the things you always said you would do, do you do them? Or are they just excuses for things you really never wanted to do in the first place? Do we hang on to the honey-do list as things we plan to do? Or as things we feel anxious about not completing? How much guilt do we carry every day about not doing the things we said we were going to do? Learning how to let go of the things that are no longer vital to our existence means you have the energy to live, learn, and be the person you wanted to be.
Always wanted to paint/draw/write/sing/dance? The world is full of resources that only now are being made accessible to everyone with no monetary gain or cost. The things we should all have had the opportunity to learn, regardless of stature or financial position, are now within reach, if only you try.
The message I got from my higher self/guides/angels/Source is this: As empaths we are feeling more than we have ever felt before. We are absorbing more and more energy than ever before. We are closed in our houses with people who are sharing their energy on a more concentrated level than we have ever faced before. And some of us are handling it. Some of us are not. And some of us change how much or how well we are handling the emotions on a daily basis.
I have been lucky enough to be able to work from home for the last twenty years. In that, my life has not changed. What has is the addition of people that I love dearly, living under our roof out of necessity and now out of need. Our home is a sanctuary to our family and their loved ones. And with them comes their pets. On any given day, there are three dogs and a cat combined with anywhere from two to six people here. The house is large enough to house them all, even with two homes worth of furniture packed in to all corners and spaces.
The energies of everyone are usually up beat and positive, but we are all empaths and sensitives, bringing into the mix a potent soup of emotions ranging from the most positive to the most negative. Days blend into days, weeks pass without massive changes, yet everything is changed. The little by little erosion of the fabric we have woven in the past has been replaced by the myriad kaleidoscope of mini memories coloured by the events of any given day. As the numbers of the dead and dying increases, we feel more acutely the pain of the people and the keening wail of the mourners on other continents flows around the Earth, following the wind itself.
There is an ever-present fear that runs beneath your every breath. When you are within your sanctuary, you feel the closest to normal, yet what is that anymore? What is normal in the middle of an apocalyptic pandemic? The idea that “normal” no longer exists is a part of the anxiety level that we are all experiencing. We are planners by nature. Some only plan for the day, some for a week, some for every day of the next year. The unknown existence that faces each of us is undermining the confidence we thought we had, the confidence we built our existence on . The negativity of others, which we had so calmly dismissed before, creates a new feeling of dismissal. We simply don’t have time for that shit any more. When there is the very real possibility that we may or not be here in two weeks makes you rethink what you what to accomplish in the meantime.